Is your website secure?
Your website is up.You’re getting visitors.Things are looking up. But is your site secure, or are your visitors getting a lovely “Not Secure” message when they visit your site? (Google Chrome pushed an update on July 24, 2018 to show this message on any site that doesn’t have an SSL certificate.) In this day and age, you NEED an SSL certificate(that nice green padlock) on your website.

Create a simple WordPress Plugin with Shortcode
Creating a WordPress plugin from scratch can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be.
Here, we’ll show you how simple it is to create your own WordPress plugin with a shortcode to display some content.
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Disable click on WordPress parent menu with children
‘ve got a few sites where the client has requested that main menu items that have sub-menu items not be clickable, but just be a placeholder for the sub menu items themselves.
This comes in handy, specifically, when you have drop down menus (using SuperFish, for example) — Safari on iOS handles SuperFish pretty well – the first tap drops down the menu, and the second tap will actually take you to that page, but what if you don’t want the first level to take you anywhere?

Moving from a dev to live WordPress site?
If you’re like most website developers, you probably do most of your development on a subdomain (ie dev.domain.com) as opposed to the live site.
Welll, this is all fine and dandy until you need to move your nice, new WordPress site from dev.domain.com to www.domain.com — all of your images, links, site name, site domain, etc all have links tied to the dev URI.